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To carry the burden of inaction is worse than any wrong action taken.
'Agency' is your capacity to cause beneficial Results.
Agency is a quality of Being - even if it seems to be about 'doing'. Agency is what you Scan for in others when trying to find the right person to do a job.
In Possibility Management, the kind of 'Agency' we refer to is Radical Responsibility in action, Creation, Invention, and Improvising with Consciousness, Integrity, Accountability, Consequences, Bright Principles, your Archetypal Lineage, and Your Word.
Responsible Agency is NOT modern culture's 'Gremlin agency' which is associated with irresponsible cleverness, trickiness, lying, cheating, stealing, sneaking, fooling the law, making messes and not cleaning them up, getting away with whatever you can and giving nothing back.
Agency can be differentiated into 'Bright Principle Agency' or 'Shadow Principle Agency', as distinguished on the Thoughtmap Of Possibility. This differentiation is not about 'good' or 'bad', 'right' or 'wrong', 'true' or 'false'. It is about Consequences, and the Purpose you are serving. The Memetic Construct 'good / bad' is itself a Shadow Principle. The fact that your mind can understand - or even believe in - the idea of 'good / bad', even though the idea has no relationship to reality, indicates the level of Attention you need to pay to what your mind is telling you.
Clearly, if your interest is in gaining Bright Principle Agency - as is the interest of a Possibilitator - then this involves developing Clear awareness and Conscious action-power (remembering that 'Clarity leads to Power' - not the Gremlin's 'power over', but rather the Possibilitator's Power of taking effective action and causing useful Results) in all 3 Worlds (Upperworld, Middleworld, and Underworld).
Otherwise your naivety - as Hidden Competing Commitments / Gremlin / Child / or Parent Contaminated Adult Ego State / Hidden Purpose - will undermine any Bright Principle Result you think you want to create by allowing Gremlin Purposes to prevail instead. The Gremlin / Box strategy is that things do not actually change, because if things stay the same, your Box is at least assured of its continued Survival.
Authentic Agency is about Living Full Out, High Level Fun as an Initiated, Path-trekking, Free And Natural Adult, not merely Surviving.
Many factors contribute to building or developing more Authentic Agency in your Being.
Agency is very different from 'Education' which increases your capacity to 'know'. Someone may know a lot, but be unable to Cause, Create, or Transform nearly anything.
Thus the relevance of Captain Jack Sparrow's observation in the first Pirates of the Caribbean film:
"The only rules that really matter are these:
what a man can do and what a man can't do."
Meaning? Agency trumps rules, reasons, beliefs, stories, and circumstances. Cool, eh?
(We are fairly certain that if questioned on this detail, Jack would admit his injunction applies equally well to women...)The more 'Agency' you garner for yourself (or your Team), the more useful or interesting Results you can Create in an ever-widening variety of circumstances.
The value of Agency can be also be understood by considering its opposite, namely: impotence, weakness, inaction, inferiority, lack, dullness, helplessness, hopelessness, disability, confusion, stuckness, victimhood, complaining, ineffectiveness, and boring ordinariness. (This isn't, by any chance, an accurate description of your current life, is it...? Hmmm...)
We spell 'Agency' with a capital 'A' to imply that we speak about Conscious Agency, as opposed to unconscious agency, about which what is to be done is to keep your Sword Of Clarity to hand at the throat of any 'person' across from you (or also behind you, remembering that with one 'click' of your Clicker you can energetically Declare multiple energetic arms facing in any direction, each with its own razor-sharp lightening-fast Sword of Clarity), while carefully Noticing, doing Self Observation, and performing extraordinary Healing and Transformational Experimentation.
Here are some dimensions along which you can make efforts to bring your Agency to hand.
Being involved in activating your Agency takes you immediately and ongoingly into a Parallel Culture.
You may feel like you are alone in this Parallel Culture while activating your Agency.
This does not mean you are unable to relate with ordinary people.
But it does mean you have an exceptional hobby.
Think of a gymnast preparing themselves to deliver their part of a Cirque du Soleil show. Almost no one in the world can understand or relate to their nearly neurotic dedication to developing their gymnastic Agency.
And, while activating your Agency you open a Doorway to intense Intimacies with anyone else who also happens to be activating their Agency in a similar dimension as you.
Once you taste the intensity of evolutionary Intimacy, you may long for it for the rest of your life, even while you are experiencing it. Don't ask us to explain that...
It is your birthright as a human being to become a Person Of Agency.
Gaia wants you to succeed at becoming a Person Of Agency. She needs you to succeed so that She can succeed in Her grand Experiment of evolving biological forms on Earth with complex enough nervous systems to become self-aware.
Just because it is your birthright does not mean it is going to be an easy Path. You are confronted - like we all are - with the condition that modern culture long ago banished Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, leaving you with two serious handicaps as you begin this this endeavor:
- You are misidentified thinking that you are your Physical Body.
- You are misidentified thinking that you are your Intellectual Body (your mind).
The procedures that accomplish true Disidentification are formidable, in both the English and French sense of the word. In English, 'formidable' means: challenging, daunting. In French, 'formidable' means: amazing, brilliant. In this case your brilliant challenge is to discover what you are if you are not your body and not your mind. Otherwise you will be trapped inside of confusing and disempowering Illusions.
As with activating any new capability, you are constrained to go through Phase 1: 'looking bad', before you can access Phase 2: 'competence'. It is, of course, attractive to think you can skip over Phase 1, as Phase 1 requires long hours of repetitive Practice full of Beeps!
Yes, definitely, the universe is full of magic and mystery. However, becoming suddenly magnificently skilled in a new domain without serious commitment to the inner and outer evolutionary changes involved is not likely. Nonetheless, there is one condition we know of where individuals, including perhaps yourself, gain uncanny access to new competence with seemingly no practice at all. The competence mysteriously arises as if you are remembering it. And that is the hint. If there actually is something like 'past lives', you may have invested the effort and energy in 5 Body training yourself in special knacks and talents in a 'previous life'. As the competence enters your Being, it may carry over into future lives. This, then, is possible inspiration for Radical Practice to the level of being absurdly effective in this life. It may stay with you into your 'next lives'...
This website lays out guidelines for traversing Phase 1 of becoming a Person Of Agency. Phase 2 emerges when it does. It cannot be rushed, and it will probably not emerge all at once. Instead competence may appear weirdly out of balance at first. For example, while delivering a Possibility Coaching Emotional Healing Process you might know what to say next, but you do not know what you saw that made you say this. Or while Holding Space for a Possibility Team, you may see who needs to speak next but you don't know what it is they should say. Here we encourage you to Radically Rely on whatever part of your new competence as it appears, making use of it wherever you can, rather than 'beating yourself up' for not already having it together as a 'super-competent' Possibilitator.
This next message is for your Gremlin: No matter how smart and skillful you think you are, you cannot do Phase 2 before you do Phase 1. You cannot go through a door until you are at the door. You cannot eat an apple unless the apple is at your mouth. This is not merely a rule that Gremlin can break. It is a law of Evolutionary Mechanics. In this Work you must pay full price. Any gesture of trying to do Phase 2 before doing Phase 1 is pretense. It is fake. Such pretending is an unconscious Gremlin move that undermines and destroys your efforts towards becoming a Person Of Agency. We have found it far more effective to remain in 'Beginner's Mind', assuming that you can do what you can do, while staying immanently alert to Notice and Practice the next further complexity.
Your Agency can only be applied NOW, meaning in a very short present-time NOW: less than 3 seconds long.
Whose NOW is it? Yours.
Who decides how long your NOW is? You do.
A Person of Agency maintains a Minimized NOW of around 3 seconds maximum duration.
Anything that takes you out of this small moment of Agency Space undermines, blocks, or destroys your Agency. Watch out for these time-expanding elements arising. Notice their Purpose.
For example, you may be absentmindedly thinking, "Everyone else gets time off to be with their friends except me." In this case, you are being dragged into a larger NOW by a Trigger Phrase. Please grab S.P.A.R.K. 135, and become a Trigger Hunter. Capture the Trigger Phrase in precise words on the back inside pages of your Beep! Book, then keep hunting other Trigger Phrases.
The hint is that if you start remembering the past because you are reminded in the present of things that went well or badly in the past, and might or might not do the same again, your Agency is lost. Agency occurs in the Present.
If you project your need to take action out into the future - even three seconds into the future - you have zero power to take action out there in the future, and again your Agency is lost. Agency occurs in the Present.
Yes, it is necessary to make Plans, or make Agreements, or write Contracts. The way to do this is to enter a Plan Making Agency Space, where you temporarily extend your NOW into the past to remember what you previously learned, and into the future , to estimate what could possibly emerge, and let your fears become conscious. Then you say:
- "Hello Fear! What do you have for me about making this Plan?"
- "Hello Fear! What do you have for me about making this Agreement?"
- "Hello Fear! What do you have for me about writing this Contract?"
...and then you write down in your Beep! Book exactly and in entirety what your Fear tells you. No judging. No taking decisions or actions at this point. No reacting. Simply writing down what your Fear tells you.
All the while you stay in contact with your Fear. After writing down each sentence, say, "Anything else about that?" and you write down anything else your Fear has to tell you. Keep asking and writing, asking and writing, until your Fear has delivered its entire wisdom and energy to you.
Then you say, "Thank you Fear. I will handle this. I will make the decisions and take the actions. I will get back to you the next time I need your insights."
Then you review your notes, make your decisions, take your actions, maintaining the awareness that Agency takes place in the Present.
One of your central capacities for activating your Agency is your Attention.
Do you even know where you Attention is right now?
What are you doing with your Attention in your ordinary life? (You still have an ordinary life?)
How well-developed are your Attention Muscles? How well can you keep your Intention from being disturbed? How often are you using your Conscious Will to Practice? How long and in how many dimensions can you consciously Split Your Attention?
Paying Attention to what you are paying Attention to, causes a Waking State. How long can you consciously stay in that Waking State?
What are you paying Attention with? Are you building that capacity to Notice what you are Noticing with your Attention? Can your Attention stay Unhookable while you still maintain your Free Floating Attention to capture subtle cues and impulses?
As might have become obvious by now, these questions are NOT rhetorical. They are meant to be answered by you, and for you (not for some external 'authority figure'). You answer such Quest-ions through doing Experiments and self-developed Practice exercises. Also do these Experiments and Exercises with others in your 3Cells and Possibility Team.
Is there anything more Fun than this? If you find something, tell us!
Each chapter of you becoming a Person Of Agency is detectable in reality. The way to Notice this is to pay Attention to being given jobs to do by the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.). Notice when you encounter valuable coincidences far beyond all reasonable levels of accident. There will arise chance-meetings at unpredictable places beyond rational expectation. You will hear that someone heard about you and what you are up to, and then suddenly they are the ones calling you on the phone. People you never heard of will offer collaborative support simply to be around you in the Parallel Cultures you Cavitate and Inhabit.
How will you make accurate choices about all these Doorways? How will you decide to go through or not go through without being overwhelmed about the vast unknowable Consequences? How can you shift your Point Of Origin fast enough to keep up with your unassailable speed of evolution along the Path? How can you continue to Create New Results beyond what is humanly customary? How can you increase your authentic Necessity for a Team?
One answer is to jack-into and expand your creative collaboration with Infinite Resources.
What are Infinite Resources? These are inexhaustible archetypal forces of nature which are an intimate part of human life, even if modern culture knows nothing about them. Examples of Infinite Resources include Stellated Feelings Archetypes, Bright Principles, Nothingness (the Void), and Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.).
Human Beings are designed to navigate 3 Worlds: the Underworlds, Middleworlds, and Upperworlds. Our 5 Body design includes capacities to explore the Archetypal Domains.
A Person Of Agency is eventually - and perhaps sooner than you might expect - challenged with being given Archetypal-level Problems to Transform which would almost immediately exhaust your ordinary human resources. Think of Spiderman having problems that his friends do not.
Here is where is becomes important to be aware of keeping your 'Deep Batteries' well maintained, cleaned out from contaminations and parasites, and fully charged.
Your ordinary day-to-day 'batteries' are used up each day during your ordinary day-to-day life. They automatically charge-up during an ordinary night's sleep. NOTE: Sometimes in order to sleep well, a Possibilitator may find it necessary to unplug from your Bright Principles or your Archetypal Lineage for the night. Just tell them, "Look Guys, you do not have a physical body. I do. My body needs to sleep right now. Give me the download when I am at my desk ready to write down what you say, not now when I am trying to sleep. For now, I am jacking-out. See you in the morning!" Then jack-in again next morning while establishing your Center, Grounding Cord, and Bubble of Space.
Your Deep Batteries are different from your 'every-day' batteries. Deep Batteries are called into play during Evolution, Transformation, Healing, Taking A Stand, Pulling The Rug Out, As Ising, the Phoenix Process, Metaconversations, Upgrading Thoughtware in the human Morphogenetic Field, building out new Gamespace in the Global Ethnosphere, making extraordinary efforts, and other massively Nonlinear endeavors.
Your Deep Batteries are charged-up by being jacked-in to Infinite Resources. Your job as a Person Of Agency is to ongoingly maintain a clean connection with the Infinite Resources. This requires efforts because there are so many things that could cause your Survival Strategy / Box to freak out, cut off, or shut down. Keeping your Deep Batteries free to connect with Infinite Resources requires vigilant preventative and remedial actions to handle common interferences and resistances, such as:
- Adult Egostate Contaminated by Child, Parent, Gremlin or Demon
- Assumptions
- Being Adaptive
- Being Unbubbled
- Being Uncentered
- Being Ungrounded
- Being Uninitiated
- Beliefs
- Boundaries weak or lacking
- Brain Drugs
- Brain Splits
- Broken Bullshit Detector
- Child Level Responsibility
- Complexity
- Conclusions
- Confusion
- Contaminated Adult Egostate
- Cross-Wired Memes
- Disrespecting Your Own Word
- Dramaholic
- Energetic Blocks
- Expanded NOW into the past and the future
- Expectations
- Fantasy Worlds
- Fear Of Connection
- Gremlin addictions
- Having a Job
- Having No Boundaries
- Having No Sword Of Clarity
- Having No Voice
- Hidden Competing Commitments
- Hookability
- Ignorance of Consequences
- Illusions or Delusions
- Insanity
- Judgements
- Justifications
- Knowing - thinking you have to know
- Lack of Integrity
- Listening To Voices In Your Head
- Low Dramas
- Lying
- Manipulation
- Material Values
- Materialism
- Memetic Prisons
- Mind Machines
- Misidentifications
- Mixed Emotions
- Not being committed
- Not being Healed From School
- Not decided to be born yet
- Not going through the Eye Of The Needle
- Not having Holdings
- Not Noticing What you are Noticing With
- Not using your 3 Powers
- Patriarchal Values
- Point Of Origin anchored into Ordinary
- Poop swept under the carpet
- Positionality
- Prejudices
- Projections
- Radical Dishonesty
- Reactivity
- Really Difficult Problems
- Really Good Reasons
- Resentment
- Revenge in your mind and heart
- Self Deception
- Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.)
- Starving for Heart Food or Soul Food
- Stories
- Survival Strategy
- Taking No Stand
- Thinking you are your Box
- Unable to Say What You Want
- Unconscious Decisions from childhood and past lives
- Unstellated Feelings
- Untransformed Gremlin
Handling these elements of Ordinary Human Existence does not have to take a lot of time, energy, or attention, but this list could easily constitute your Path during Phase 1 of becoming a Person Of Agency.The idea is not to try for a sprint - thinking you should vanish all this Baggage all at once... this could literally kill you. Instead, regard healing and evolution as you main source of entertainment, an engaging hobby, and go for the long haul marathon. Take your time while you do thorough Work along the Path. Be sure to engage this as a Team rather than trying to accomplish everything as a lone wolf single fighter. There are already global Teams online 24/7/365 for you to collaborate with - a whole crew of new friends with the same hobby as you!BEING A PERSON OF AGENCY RELIES ON ONGOING INVENTION
If the Path through Phase 1 to Phase 2 of being a Person Of Agency were known, it would not be authentic. Instead, the Path is unique for each individual. No solution works twice for solving the same Problem. This is radically daunting for the ordinary linear mind, so much so that the Path of becoming a Person Of Agency protects itself. For example, if these words did not make crucial and exciting sense to you, you would have long before now stopped reading them and gone on to something more satisfying to your condition.
On the other hand, just in case you are still reading... it can help to get it that a Person Of Agency has a basic orientation towards each breath that it must be Invented anew. Then you are alive in every breath.
Invention out of Nothingness rather than applying known solutions or approaches... this is the path a Person Of Agency takes through their day.
Gaining a taste for Invention as a daily Practice can help you tremendously.
An immense variety of experiences and activities build Matrix for being a Person Of Agency. Your menu already offers over 500 options to choose from. And these are not nearly all! By Splitting Your Attention, or Staying Unhookable, or Holding Space for a Parallel Culture, you can change any activity or interaction into a beneficial Matrix-building activity, including sweeping the floor, visiting with in-laws, going 'on vacation', gardening, washing the clothes, and so on. One Meta Purpose that automatically expands any activity into a Matrix-Building Parallel Culture is to hunt for people who might be turned-on or nourished by exploring the StartOver.xyz rapid learning environment. This is not about being a Rescuer. This is about having spontaneous extraordinary conversations with possible Edgeworkers and Riftwalkers.
For example, Clinton sits in a seat on the top deck of a ferry boat between Naples and Positano in southwest Italy with his backpack in the seat to his right. A young man comes and asks, "May I sit here?" All the other seats are taken. Clinton says, "Yes," moves his backpack, Scans the man for Agency, and says, "People on a boat journey like this are searching for something. What are you searching for?" Without hesitation, the man replies, "Treasure!" Clinton asks, "If I give you a true Treasure Map, would you use it?" The man grows a big smile across his face and says, "Definitely yes!" Clinton pulls out one of these post cards and hands it to the man.
This is how it goes. Living with the extra aliveness of scouting for fellow walkers on the Path of becoming a Person Of Agency keeps alive a Parallel Culture and builds Matrix. Harbigarrr!
This is the kind of Team practice required to build up your absurdly effective skill level!
Each person's Agency is unique, depending on their Matrix, Knacks, Bright Principles, Archetypal Lineage, etc.
You particular Agency is exactly what allows you to deliver your Nonmaterial Value to your Village.
Your Agency is required to Cavitate, Inhabit, and Navigate the Archiarchal culture Spaces you would love to live in so that others, if they wish to, can live in those Spaces also.
In the section below, each square is a Doorway to ingredients that will help you refine and amplify your Agency.
No one can ignite your Agency for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from igniting your Agency to absurdly effective skill levels.
This is what is inferred in the phrase: 'a Possibilitator's Life Of Practice'.
We have only a small chance,
but everything is at stake.
Agency can also be gained through removing blocks and hindrances to Agency.
This is the same as getting more hot water in the shower by turning down the cold water.
Below are a few angles to approach if you want to see what might be in the way of further Agency.
It is understandable wanting to avoid Radical Responsibility because no one ever told us about it before. Radical Responsibility is not a common theme in modern culture. Besides, if you enter Radical Responsibility, many of your familiar excuses, Survival Strategies, Reasons, Justifications, Conclusions, and Self Deceptions won't apply anymore. Their basis for existence will have suddenly vanished.
If you avoid Taking A Stand for being Radically Responsible, then you simultaneously avoid Agency because you secretly ongoingly Assume that someone else is responsible besides you. Then whatever is going on or not going on is their fault, and you cannot be blamed. You also have no power to affect change.
In Radical Responsibility it is stunningly clear:
- It is impossible to be a Victim.
- There is no such thing as a Problem (because you are the one who is making up the Story that this is a Problem...).
- What is, is, as it is, with no Stories attached.
- Stories exist in time. In the Present in a minimized NOW there is no time. In the Present there is no room for Stories.
- All of psychology is a virtual reality.
- Conflicts are theatrical pieces enacted among Boxes. You as a Being cannot have conflict.
- Reasons have no power.
- Irresponsibility is a complete illusion.
By relocating your Point Of Origin into the Clarity of Radical Responsibility, the world suddenly works differently for you. No, it is not Fair. Yes, you have an immense amount of unexpected Agency.NOT COMBINING PHYSICAL AGENCY WITH CONNECTION AGENCY
Understanding the world of physics, chemistry, electronics, biology, programming, mechanics, metallurgy, strength of materials, geology, astrophysics, and so on - the physical arts - gives you greater Agency in the physical world.
But then you are alone. You may be able to write papers, argue theories, propose further research, invent new devices, program an App, but beyond that your Agency falls away.
This is because, Creation is often collaborative - meaning, Creation thrives in connection with other human beings.
What does the idea of 'connection' do to you?
Are you good at connecting?
Does connecting work for you?
Do you feel Fear Of Connection? Groups? Teams? Meetings? Speaking out? Being vulnerable? Being visible? Making Proposals? Saying what you want? Negotiating Intimacy?
Connected Human Agency is an entirely different form Agency than Physical Agency.
School teaches us to behave as an isolated Zombie in a hierarchical structure, not as a creative, vocal collaborator in a circle.
To become a Possibilitator - a Person Of Agency - both forms of Agency are needed. In fact, if you have Connection Agency, but do not have Physical Agency, your life in the world can be seriously ungrounded and full of an unconscious fear called Technopenuriaphobia - the fear of losing modern technology and being exposed to the elements.
If you cannot live outside the city and cause things to happen, are you fully human? You have lost the Agency to live on Earth except if you are cared for by people with Physical Agency who you can call for help - the farmer, cheese maker, plumber, electrician, car mechanic, carpenter, etc.
But those with Physical Agency, for example, an amazing gymnast, may not be able to tell you what they are feeling, or to relate without wanting to persecute you or be rescued by you.
Bring it to your next Possibility Team to find out what sorts of Agency you have developed until now, and also to discover your weaknesses and imbalances in Agency. If you cannot deliver Artificial Resuscitation, or change the tire on a car, whatever Agency you do have stands on shaky ground.
As Robert A. Heinlein put it: "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
Human Beings have 4 Brains. These are explained on the 4 Brains website. For convenience we can classify them as follows:
- Green Brain - about the past, connections, family, well being.
- Red Brain - about the present, me, me, me, action, doing, handling things, moving.
- Blue Brain - about the future, ideas, concepts, plans, explanations, reasons, thinking.
- Yellow Brain - timeless, overview, big picture, grandiosity, generalizations, vision.
Each of us has all 4 Brains, but in each person, one of the 4 Brains tends to be dominant. The dominance is in general neurotic due to many possible factors:
- Overstressing the Blue Brain (cerebellum / intellect) in school.
- Utter and total lack of Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes when we turn 18 years old.
- Identification, leaving us trapped inside of our childhood Survival Strategy which over-uses one of the Brains, as if this Survival Strategy is what we are limited to perceiving and being.
- Etc.
With one Brain dominant you lose the awareness and Agency of your suppressed or ignored Brains. You tend to like and want to be in the company of people who have the same brain imbalance as you do.
Ways to gain Agency in all 4 Brains include:
- Identify brain dominance in your friends and acquaintances to bring this into your awareness.
- Build Teams and have Circle meetings that include all 4 Brain intelligences, awarenesses, and potentials.
- Make efforts to nurture you non-dominant Brains with unusual behaviors, conversations, interactions, and preferences.
- Feed your non-dominant Brains by creating intimacies with people having dominance in your weaker Brains.
We have noticed that in Possibilitator Training, after deep Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) and Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes and Matrix Building Practices during Possibility Labs, Rage Club, Fear Club, Possibility Team, S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Group, Study Group, etc. the 4 Brains tend to balance out more in people and unleash greater Agency.
Where are you coming from inside of yourself? What is it actually energetically like in there being you?
Please rate the experiential quality in general of your inner world along a spectrum where #1 is a tuned-up orchestra and #10 is a chaotic emotional hurricane. Your answer please? (There is no right or wrong answer. There is no good or bad answer. This is a rough starting point. We know of Possibilitators who effectively run their Gameplan at somewhere between 3 and 6 on this subjective scale.)
"How is it going in there?" turns out to be an important question when it comes to Agency. A Person Of Agency relies on having a strong Inner Structure, because they fly even when the world around them is falling apart.
If the world seems complex to you, if things can simply suddenly change around for no reason, if you do not trust yourself (and like yourself...), if you cannot negotiate solid workable agreements with other people, if you are not managing your communications with other people and their organizations, if things seem unfair or unbalanced to you and you are not clear why, if you live in uncertainty and procrastination, if it seems like resources are scarce, if you feel invisible, or confused, or powerless, or unqualified (like you need another college degree or certification)... these are symptoms of having a weak Inner Structure.
Accurately assessing the state of your Inner Structure gives you an 'X' on the map from which you can make useful steps towards strengthening your Inner Structure in any ways that would be useful for you.
Your Inner Structure is an assembly of your Memetic Constructs, each one built out of Memes.
Memes are the smallest instruction for the design of your Intellectual Body (your mind), in the same way that Genes are the smallest instruction for the design of your Physical Body.
Your mind is yours to play with and make into whatever you want. Yes, school may have messed up your mind, but school is over. You are not in school anymore. You can take you mind back!
Rebuilding your Inner Structure to give you more practical Agency is comparable to rebuilding the engine of a car. You put the car up on jacks, pull the engine out, disassemble the engine to examine the state and interactions of its parts, make any changes or repairs, put the engine back together, put the engine back into the car, restart the car. When the engine is running just fine, take the car off the jacks, and, Voila! You are now driving a hot rod with an upgraded Inner Structure.
Human genius shines amazingly when it comes to inventing and applying Survival Strategies to get us through our childhood and adolescent years. The diversity of strategies is so vast as to defy categorization, yet there is one class of Survival Strategies that can undermine raw Agency like no other. These are the Survival Strategies that use Sexual Energy Exchange.
In general we have come to name this Survival Strategy as 'White Widow'. Please study that website to find out if you are a White Widow, Grey Widow, or Black Widow, or not.
Thinking that secretly exchanging Sexual Energy does not interfere with your Agency is 100% Self Deception. Without finding your way out of Gremlin Contamination of your Adult Ego State and into Authentic Adulthood, you will be burdened with circling around inside of your childhood Survival Strategy for the remainder of your life. Perhaps you know someone on this condition? It does not have to be you. There is a real chance for you to grow up.
Feeling fear when considering to find another way of being in the world than by exchanging Sexual Energy as part of your Survival Strategy, is appropriate. The fear is appropriate. Changing your relationship to fear so that you can make use of the practical information and energy of Conscious Fear will be part of your Path. Since 1975 we have been discovering and refining powerful ways to heal Sexual Abuse, Emotional Trauma, Manipulation, and Revenge. We want you to have your Agency back as much as you do.
Certain genius Edgeworkers market themselves as being a ‘leader in the evolution-of-consciousness movement’.
These are the ‘Handsome-Hypercool-Tribal-Holy-Workshop-Man’ or the ‘Angel-Goddess-Enlightened-Tribal-Workshop-Woman’.
They only deliver their 'exclusive' Podcast to paying listeners and include 'affiliate links' to receive automatic kickbacks from referring their clients to others of their kind.
This 'cautionary' note is NOT saying that you - if this is you - are a rip-off-artist. It is saying that even good-hearted people may still be using outdated Thoughtware if you define yourself as a ‘leader’ trying to gain more-and-more 'followers' so that you have the 'passive-income security' that provides you with 'enough money to live'.
The catch in this 'business plan' is that you are stuck in the methods and catechism of modern culture. You trap yourself into doing whatever it takes to 'look good' enough to attract more 'fans' even if it means that you are 'going nowhere' on your evolutionary Path. This is the illusion of a Person Of Agency.
The disciplined Practice, Integrity, and Accountability of a Person Of Agency is seen as extraordinary from the perspective of a someone merely surviving in the conditions of modern culture. Trying to pick one's self up by the bootstraps to exit modern culture and proceed across a Bridge to Archiarchy, for example, may seem nearly impossible.
This is perhaps why you might think of the idea of forcing yourself to do Experiments, forcing yourself to Build Matrix, forcing yourself to lock down your Gremlin in some kind of Gremlin-straight-jacket and step bravely out beyond the Edges of your Box - so that you too can be a Possibilitator, a Person Of Agency.
Trying to be what you are not, trying to do what you actually do not want to do, or worse yet, trying to Manipulate yourself into doing what you actually already and naturally do want to do... all get in the way of moving gracefully along the Path of evolution.
The suggestion here is to catch your inner efforts to Manipulate yourself and force yourself forwards and hold yourself down, and to avoid doing them. Stand a little back and notice what is actually in you.
Trying to 'win' in any situation automatically arranges it so that you are trying to get others to 'lose'. The 'I win you lose' strategy is so deeply woven into modern culture (sports, job applications, trying to gain financial aid, finding who is right, gambling, stock market, etc.) that it can hardly be challenged. Yet trying to 'win' pits you against a false enemy. The framework of the game itself is the enemy. The Context that offers you only win/lose options to choose from is the killer of Possibilities.
The first thing a Person Of Agency does is assess the framework, assess the Context. Who is making the offer and what is their Purpose. At the Casino, everyone knows that 'the House never loses', meaning, inside of every game is the set-up that the player loses. This is the same in win/lose Contexts.
Agency awakens by stepping out beyond any Context you did not create yourself. Beyond the grip of some agreement to automatically lose, you gain options to choose from that are not offered on the ordinary menu. You suddenly gain unprecedented Agency because you are operating outside the 'rigged' paradigm.
Hierarchy itself is a win/lose game with limited power positions at the top. Either you 'do whatever it takes' to climb the ladder and take the next higher power position, or someone else will. If they get the position, you lose. If you get it, they lose. In this game you are more 'successful' if you make others lose. How is that Fun for anyone but your Gremlin?
Besides, it is psychopathic personalities who are best suited to 'do whatever it takes' to gain positions of power. This means that your competitors in a hierarchy are psychopathic personalities. The way to beat them at this game is to be a better psychopathic personality than they are. As Kurt Vonnegut Jr. writes, “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.”
Hierarchies automatically filter out non-psychopaths and therefore become top-heavy with psychopaths. It is a grievous design-error for any group to use hierarchical power structure unless its purpose is to be hijacked by psychopaths. This explains why no good-intentioned proposals are accepted by global hierarchies. Creating a bright future for humanity is not on a psychopath's agenda.
This is why a Person Of Agency specializes in gaining an absurdly effective skill level at implementing Torus Meeting Technologies.
Addiction precludes choice.
If Addiction is involved, something besides your own Conscious Will takes precedent in your life, as when a cat catches a mouse and 'plays with it' before devouring it whole.
To be clear, you are the mouse. Addiction is the cat. The mouse does not have much choice in the matter.
Playing with Addiction is a mouse playing with a cat who is getting progressively hungrier.
Substance Addiction, such as to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, drugs, sugar, television series, sex, etc. is one circumstance in which an objective would be to stop the interaction with the substance.
Dramaholism is different from Substance Addiction in that there is no external substance to separate from. The Addictive circumstances are all inside of you.
You may imagine that it is the 'others' who trigger your emotional Reactivity, but in fact, the only way someone else can stimulate Low Drama in you is if you already carry a Story in yourself that triggers your internal emotional responses.
It is not them. Ever. It is all you. And your benefit for your Low Drama Reactivity experience is to provide your uninitiated Gremlin with high-octane Gremlin food.
Sadly we have only recently discovered that no amount of personal healing, initiation, or transformational processes, for example in Possibility Labs, have lasting effect if you are addicted to Low Drama. The Low Drama must be thoroughly addressed first.
Possibility Management is not designed to confront your Dramaholism and cause you to hit bottom so thoroughly that your life is obliterated and you can start over into Adulthood. The only effective program we have discovered to face Addiction is a 12 Step Program.
Recently (2022) Possibility Management has gained immense Clarity about Gremlin Violence, Gremlin Self Cannibalism, Dramaholism, Gremlin Type 2, and Gremlin Transformation.
Please do your Work. No one can do the Work for you. No one can stop you from doing your Work.
After you have traversed the mountain ranges during Gremlin Transformation, a new level of Responsibility can be taken. Again, the Lack Of Agency derives from a Survival Strategy you implemented long ago to survive your childhood and adolescent years. Your Survival Strategy worked. Indeed, you survived. And now you are trapped in the perceptions and behaviors of your Survival Strategy and blocked from your natural Agency of the Free And Natural Adult human being.
Initiations are in order. However, Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes are irrevocably subverted by the Survival Strategy of contaminating your Adult Ego State with your Child Ego State, Parent Ego State, Gremlin Ego State, or Demon Ego State.
Until your Adult Ego State is thoroughly Decontaminated - a concentrated Work of at least one or, more likely, two years - no Initiations will stick.
You can go through the motions, do the Initiations, even feel the feelings and emotions, but nothing will be allowed to authentically unwind inside of you so that it can truly start over in Adulthood, because there is not enough free space in your Adult Ego State. Your Adult Ego State is already occupied with the Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Ego State being where it should not be. Yes, your Survival Strategy worked, as it should, to get you to 18 years old, but you are older than that now, and the rightful place for your Survival Strategy is in a compost heap, where the eggshell of a hatched baby chick goes, where the chrysalis of a beautiful butterfly has gone. The Survival Strategy needs to be left thoroughly behind, and with the Adult Ego State Contamination Survival Strategy, leaving it behind requires special efforts.
The intimate connections and Teams you will bond with in your Adult Ego State Decontamination Work will last a lifetime as you support each other to become Subversive enough to subvert your subversions. And, we have learned that Decontaminations cannot even begin until AFTER you have done your Gremlin Transformation Work.
As the pressures of human overpopulation press sideways on uninitiated psyches, personality aberrations emerge, just as with other mammals.
Aggression, isolation, depression, suicide, gender confusion, abandonment of social skills, sterility, etc. become more attractive without awareness as to why.
This is a wake up call.
From time to time in recent years we have noticed a mixed-purpose riding on the backs of one or two training participants. Rather than excitement to participate in the Possibility Spaces of the trainings, they carry an absent-minded intention to create intrigue, take revenge, blame, attack, undermine, confuse, and cause Low Drama.
Perhaps it is a kind of test, to see if there is any space in the world clear and responsive enough to confront the psychological parasites that seem to be taking them over. The answer is, yes, a Possibility Lab is such a space. However, only you can do your Work. We cannot do it for you. If your purpose is fear-based hatred or mindless chaos, you can get out of it the same way you got into it.
If this is you, check it out. Intrigue is not Agency. Revenge is not Agency. Causing confusion is not Agency. A different approach is possible. You are probably some kind of genius. We need your genius dedicated to Possibility, not punishment.
In 1998 we imagined that Possibility Management was a 'personal development', 'have a better life', 'get inspired', 'feel good' weekend training.
By 2008 we realized that Possibility Management is much more than that. Possibility Management is Thoughtware for next culture - for Archiarchy, the regenerative initiation-centered Nonmaterial Value culture that is naturally emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Now in 2022 we realize that the adolescent Shadow side of humanity is at the forefront of human presence on Earth. We have accepted being economic slave Zombies. Human hierarchies have been hijacked by psychopaths refusing to take responsibility, refusing to grow up, refusing to clean up messes before we make them, refusing to acknowledge the limitations of Gaia's fragile life-supporting ecosystems. It is not a matter of suggesting a new policy to set the capitalist patriarchal empire onto regenerative tracks. It is a matter of exiting Zombieism, exiting adolescence, those who can, those who will, and discovering Free And Natural Adulthood. It is a matter of Cavitating and Inhabiting Archiarchal culture space, while crashing hi-tech hierarchical consumer civilization as fast as possible. The race is on. The laws of chemistry (melting methane clathrates) and physics (atmospheric and oceanic heat capture) will prevail, not the hubristic short-sighted self-centered adolescent laws of man. For this transformation Work, Persons Of Agency are required.
If you are still working in a corporate job, you have simply moved from your parents to school to university to the corporation. You are still a slave Zombie. You could spend the rest of your life waiting for someone else to tell you what to do so that you do not have to decide for yourself. Then you are 'not responsible'. Then you 'cannot be blamed for making a mistake'. Then you can resent others for a 'really good reason'.
If you want something other than this for yourself, an entire universe is ready to welcome you and work at your side to accomplish it. But the world will not do it for you. You have reached childhood's end. Over the edge, life is happening. Out here, Persons Of Agency are helping each other practice to absurdly effective levels of being Radically Relating Adults.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.01
For this Experiment, for an entire week, make no Proposals. Make no offers. Make no moves to create Possibility. Be in the background. Be in some ways dead. Have no opinions, wishes or longings.
After a week, make a short, one-page report of your experience of consciously being a person of non-Agency. What did you feel, what did you not feel, what scared you. Post it publicly.
1) If you are in a meeting or a Team where you normally contribute to the project and people ask you why are not you saying anything, you can tell them you are doing an Experiment of being a person of non-Agency, so they know you are not sick or that your dog did not die.2) If nobody comments on your Experiment of having no Agency, then this is a confirmation that you are living in your world as a person of non-Agency, which is relatively indistinguishable from being a Zombie.
A symptom of Zombies is a lack of Agency in your life.
After publishing your Experiment Report, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please include a link to your Report. This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.02
During the previous Experiment, you might Notice that you feel Rage or you feel a lack of Rage about constantly being a person of non-Agency.
If you do not have 90% intense Rage about being a person of non-Agency - making no moves, not being involved - then your Numbness Bar is still very high. To lower your Numbness Bar safely and effectively, get yourself into Rage Club. Tell the Rage Club Spaceholder that you are coming to Rage Club especially because you feel nothing about being a non-Agent of your life.
This Experiment is to go to your Rage Club and:
- Ask to experience the connection between Anger and Agency. Dive deeply into this with regards to having been to school for most of your time as a child and young adult, having a job in a company, being a 'nice person' in society or your family; being a good citizen. How can you be a good person and also be a person with Conscious Anger and Agency?
- Ask to explore the real cost of being a person without Agency.
- Ask to thoroughly discover your unconscious Gremlin payoff benefits. What is your actual reward for not being a Person Of Agency. What do you get by acting as if you have no Agency?
Quite possibly this will unleash Emotions which should be valued as a Doorway to several Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) about your old decisions to have no Agency. Please immediately do those EHPs even while simultaneously being in your Rage Club.
After the first 4 weeks of your Rage Club, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write the name of your Rage Club Spaceholder. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.03
After participating in Rage Club, unleashing your Conscious Rage, and investigating its connection with being a Person of Agency, the next layer is to discover the resistance in you to being a Person of Agency. This resistance is mainly high intensity Emotional Fear. It would be ideal to do this next Experiment as part of a Fear Club.
In your Fear Club make a point to investigate what is so terrifying about being a Person of Agency.
- What are your deepest Fears?
- What might happen to you if you become a Person of Agency?
- In what domain can you become a person of Agency that would be so scary? For example:
- Child raising. The Agency about taking the responsibility of not doing it how your parents did, how society wants you to do it, choosing whether to send your children into the school system or not.
- The Agency of choosing a Path of Evolution instead of a career path. The Agency of ongoingly choosing what your Attention is occupied by.
After discovering your fear about being a Person Of Agency, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section please write what your main fear is about. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.04
Call together a 3Cell to help you do Radical Housecleaning on your Inner Structure. This Experiment has 3 PARTS.
PART 1: Start by asking your 3Cell Team to do a thorough interview of you in which they write down which Memetic Constructs are active in your Inner Structure. You can detect Memetic Constructs because they show up as Reactivity, Beliefs, Assumptions, Expectations, Conclusions, Judgements, Prejudices, Fantasy Worlds, Stories that empower a Self Cannibalizing Gremlin, etc. Write your Memetic Constructs clearly and thoroughly in your Beep! Book in a section titled MY MEMETIC CONSTRUCTS.
PART 2: Then have your Team guide you to draw an energetic diagram of what actually happens in your Inner Design? Look at these two conditions:
- How does energy flow around inside of your Memetic Constructs when an EXTERNAL impulse comes at you?
- How does energy flow around inside of your Memetic Constructs when an INTERNAL impulse comes?
Draw out this diagram in your Beep! Book until it makes sense to you and feels accurate. If you do not like some way that the energy has been flowing in your past, now that you have revealed the design to yourself, you can change it around by drawing an updated diagram of the way your energies flow. Now you have an Old Energy Diagram and a New Energy Diagram.
PART 3: Then ask your Team to help you find out what is really going on that your life shows up like it does now. Have them apply the following kinds of questions thoroughly and to a deeper level than usual. This is not a superficial exploration. It might feel weird to be so exposed, as if your are turning yourself inside out. That is how it should feel while doing Radical Housecleaning on your Inner Structure.
- Is your Child Ego State, Gremlin Ego State, or Parent Ego State Contaminating your Adult Ego State and making a psycho-emotional mess inside of you and therefore in your interactions?
- Are you still on the Old Thoughtmap Of Feelings mixing up Feelings and Emotions?
- What is your role in society?
- What is your role in your family?
- What are your taboos?
- What is your Gameplan?
- What is your self image?
- What are your Values?
- Are these actually your Values? If not, why are you still carrying them?
- Are you still using the Linear Life Plan?
- Where do you give your Authority away?
- To what degree are you actually addicted to Low Drama?
- What percentage of the time your Gremlin initiated and sitting at your side, serving you rather than you serving it?
Inspect your Inner Structure to make it conscious and to make it feel like home, like your own well-organized workshop complete with the tools you need and an effective workbench for doing life Experiments to learn more. Make a list of whatever is not yours that you will start letting go of, anything that is outdated, anything that locks you into any gameworld that is not of your own making. Clean up your inner world. It feels so great to do this. No one can do it for you. No one can stop you from doing it!
A thorough house-cleaning of your Inner Structure will require several meetings with your Team over a period of several weeks, perhaps even several months. It is worth the effort! Please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please name one element of your inner world that you decided to let go of. This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.05
Your Inner Structure is your Memetic Construct that allows you to interface with reality and cause useful Results. Your Inner Structure is either sloppy, inelegant, disorganized and contaminated with Emotional Reactivity, or, your Inner Structure is vehement, clarified, efficient, relentless, determined and compelling.
Depending on your Survival Strategy you will have some level of elegance in your Inner Structure along a spectrum of elegance, effectiveness, efficiency. There is no good or bad, right or wrong Structure, however the qualities of your Inner Structure determine a lot about the qualities of your life.
It is the opinion of a number of Possibilitators that it is worth investing time and energy and attention to upgrade your Inner Structure, especially if you care about or wish to have more Agency.
This Experiment is to describe clearly, both in words and in diagrams in your Beep! Book, how an elegant, simple, powerful Inner Construct could look like for an effective Person Of Agency and then live in that Inner Structure for 7 days and nights.
It may be that your Inner Structure reduces down to merely a high-powered Bullshit Detector, and your Sword Of Clarity. Yes!!!
Consider what that might be like.
This Experiment is to try out your clarified Person Of Agency Inner Structure for a few days. If you feel like your old identity, such as "I am John Perth..." or "I am Wanda Faro..." hinders you from implementing your new Inner Structure during interactions or creations, you can try Shifting Identity to "I am a Person Of Agency." You can even introduce yourself that way a few times and see what happens.
After living in your new Inner Structure for 7 days and nights, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please describe your new Inner Structure. This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.06
An under-explored facet of Agency is the Tactics behind your Agency. The Tactics of your Agency includes your Attention, your Purpose, your Hidden Competing Commitments and your Survival Strategy.
This Experiment is to develop your capacity for being Innerly Active while at the same time being Outerly Passive. This is a skill which has tremendous value when Agency demands action before you have time to think. By being Innerly Active, your thinking takes place ahead of time.
This Experiment is to develop the power of being Present as a Person of Agency in stillness. Being a Person of Agency is extremely intense without external actions.
This is about remaining dangerously Present, capable of movement in any direction, unpredictably. You may experience sudden realizations.
This Experiment is to:
- For an entire week (and perhaps for the rest of your life), use Self Observation to Notice what is going on inside of you each moment when you are faced with the possibility of action - of Agency. For example, you might be experiencing Reactivity, or have the impulse to act out of unconscious Anger, Sadness, Fear or Joy, or implement Gremlin purposes or benefits. You might have the impulse to serve your Shadow Principles such as Control, Greed, Revenge, Manipulation, Superiority.
You might have the impulse to act from supporting your Box - making your Box look good and be comfortable. So much of your Experience of being alive may be devoured by these automatic reactions. By being Innerly Active, you can pass by or complete the inner impulses BEFORE you take outer action. This opens a whole new world for you to create in out there with others and with circumstances.
- Please watch the film 'The Peaceful Warrior' and learn what the protagonist learns.
- Write a full page poem about your experience of having Agency in Stillness. What is it like? What is different? What happens? What do you notice? Who do you become? Share your poem online.
- Please be aware that if you have a Box and Gremlin Survival Strategy of being shy or being nice or being a good listener, this is different from Stillness. Do not let yourself be fooled that your Survival Strategy has anything to do with being a Person of Agency in Stillness.
- Please be aware that by discovering your Agency in Stillness, your relationships might change.
After completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please include a link to your poem. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.07
A Fear Check-In is a Collaborative Communication from your FEELING of Fear (which is completely different from your Emotion of Fear). The only Check-In you can do from your Emotional Fear is, "This is my next Doorway into an EHP."
- Directly face the other person (or persons) standing or sitting down without a table or anything between you.
- Make sure you and the other person(s) are in Possibilitator First Position - using your Intention move your energetic Center to your physical Center to become Centered. Then using your Clicker, make a Grounding Cord, and another 'Click' to make your Bubble Of Space.
- Both participants will speak. One goes first.
- Speaker silently or out loud communicates with their Conscious Fear. Being witnessed in your intimate communication with your Fear is part of the Collaboration. The other person sees you doing it. They are there with you, sensing and listening. Speaker says, "Hello Fear. What do you have for me?" Then immediately begins speaking and writing down what the Fear says.
- After a specified amount of time (e.g. 2 or 3 minutes), change roles. It is the other person's time to consult their Conscious Fear.
- Then you both (or all) put the Clarity and Wisdom of your Fears together Collaboratively so that all can benefit, so that you are all 'on the same page', so that your Resources and jacked-in to your Project.
- Each says thank you to the other, and thank you to Fear as a Resource.
This Collaboration might result in one or more of you:
- Asking a Quest-Ion.
- Making a Proposal.
- Checking the status of an Agreement.
- Negotiating intimacy.
- Getting Out Now. Moving to a different physical place.
- Asking for a Do-Over.
- Starting a Metaconversation.
- Pulling The Rug Out and Starting Over.
- Etc.
For this Experiment, do the following:
- During 2 entire weeks, in every conversation that you are in, start with a Fear Check-In.
- Ask the other person to do the same.
- Notice how the Flow and Clarity and Drala of your life is supported by your Fear Check-Ins.
- After 2 weeks, make a 2 minute video about what a Fear Check-In is, and demonstrate how to do it. Be clear enough that viewers can do the Experiment you did. Post your video publicly.
- One of the necessities for becoming a Person of Agency is to make use of Conscious Fear.
- One of the results you might Notice is that you will stop running after messes such as being late, not answering people in time, breaking agreements, not answering the question that is being asked, creating confusion, etc. because, instead, you can use your Fear Collaboratively to make a Fear Check-In, so your Fear no long has to try to shock you or manipulate you to be heard. You are using your Fear directly. This is such an amazing life-change.
After completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please include a link to your two minute video. This Experiment is worth 6 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.08
Please do this Experiment in a Possibility Team where you are focusing on Agency, or else in an Agency 3Cell call. Get together. When you come together, one person is the Spaceholder. The rest are participants in the Torus. Spaceholder invites people to:
- Make a flip-chart list of the domains where you think or have a belief that you cannot have Agency. Examples of 'domains' might include: the war between two foreign countries, entire generations of children having to go to school, the cities being designed around cars instead of people, massive GMO mono-cropping agriculture based on bank-controlled economics rather than on growing food for the people, or government officials that are corrupted by corporate agendas.
- Now each person makes their own personal list in their Beep! Books of the domains in which they sense they have a lack of Agency in their personal lives. Then each person reads their list out loud to the Team.
- After you have all made your lists and shared them, work on one person at a time. The intention is to empower each other to gain Agency in their weakened domains.
- Work to give each person a secret weapon of Clarity about an Unreasonable Possibility that they had not thought of before. When a person has this kind of Clarity, they become inspired because they know what to do next. Clarify their action step. Make sure they know what to do (or stop doing) next.
- The Team takes a Stand to support each person to do the next thing that there is for them to do, in other words, to being a Person of Agency.
- Keep using Team intelligence to expand your Agency into Unreasonable domains for 4 weeks in a row. Each week you ask for your next Possibility.
NOTE: The belief of Impossibility can very well be a commitment from your Underworld based on previous experiences, even from past lives. Also ask your Team to Scan for these Hidden Purposes - to ask you questions whether the impossibility is held in your Underworld, and therefore is a gateway into an EHP.
For example, some people have the decision: “It is doomed. Life is doomed and therefore I do not have to show up because it would be in vain. It would be useless.”
After completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please include a description of one action you took to be a Person Of Agency, and in which domain. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.09
‘Agency is the capacity to accomplish a task, do a job, complete a commitment, etc. There is an entirely additional domain in which to have Agency and that is the domain of Evolution.
Since the purpose of the Universe is Evolution, specifically the Evolution of Consciousness, it is possible to learn to swim with the river instead of against it. You did not have a class in the Agency of Evolution in school. Your class begins now.
Some people love Conscious Evolution. Some people avoid it like an airport credit card salesperson. Nonetheless, Evolution happens, at least to some degree if even at a snail's pace.
To do this Experiment, realize that you have been used by the principle of Evolution your whole life, and decide whether or not you want to ‘swim with the river’ to decrease your resistance against your Agency of Evolution. If you decide yes, then:
- Get your 3Cell together or your Possibility Team and read through the Evolutionary website together. Discuss the Distinctions. Do the Experiments.
- Get out your Beep! Book. Look back over the last 20 years of your life. Make a list of the Evolutions that have occurred for you: a shift of awareness, of repositioning your Point of Origin, a Discovery of new options to choose from, etc. New capacities for perceiving or connecting, etc.
- After you have 20 Evolutionary steps listed in your Beep! Book, sit back and be amazed about how different you are now from how you where 20 or 15 years ago. Would you want to go back to being how you were back then? Why not?
- Choose 3 of the Evolutionary skills you have listed to develop them further, as Experiments. Ask your Team to help you write out specific step-by-step instructions for 3 conscious, present-moment Experimental actions in order to build Matrix, Expand Your Box, improve your skills with the 13 Tools on your energetic toolbelt, escape the patriarchy, create a Winning Happening game, grow up, flame on, activate your potentials, activate the potentials of others, activate the potentials of groups and teams, build bridges to next culture, make intimacy journeys, be the space through which your Bright Principles can do their work in the world, deliver the services of your Archetypal Lineage and to play full out.
- Establish the support for each other to carry out these Experiments.
- Get together again to report, and to ask for Feedback from each other on your Experimenting.
- Read The Kin Of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant from the Possibility Books List.
After reading creating and doing your 3 Evolutionary Experiments, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please include a few words describing each of your 3 Experiments. This Experiment is worth 7 Matrix Points. If you read a Possibility Book please find its code on the Possibility Books List to register its extra Matrix Points separately.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.10
Out of all the jobs on your bench right now, out of all the Problems that are yours to solve, out all the tough situations in your life that are yours to manage, choose one. You are going to use your Do It Power on that one thing.
When you have chosen the one thing, set aside 10 minutes to sit quietly by yourself. While you breath silently, move away all the other things that might be attracting your attention away from this one thing you chose to focus on.
This is an inside-yourself-rearrangement process you are doing right now with your eyes closed. Energetically move all the other things to a 'back room', or to the 'basement' inside of yourself. Make it so that you cannot see those other things anymore for the moment. Just place this one thing so it sits there on your workbench before you.
Stand there inside yourself facing this thing with all your inner resources and Agency to hand. Keep breathing. Ask yourself these 3 questions about that thing:
- Is this thing worth making or doing?
- Is this thing worth finishing?
- Do I want to be finished with this thing right now?
If the answer to these three questions is not "Yes!" then you have chosen the wrong thing to focus your Do It Power on.
Perhaps it is not actually your thing. Perhaps it has already been replaced by something else more important. Keep exchanging the thing on your bench until you get a strong solid "Yes!" about it for all 3 questions.
Then take a deep breath, stand up, raise one hand in a fist, focus your Do It Power on that one thing, and shout, "Harbigarrr! I am doing this now!" And then do it. Focus everything on it. Simply do not do anything else until it is completely done and off your desk, until it has gone into your past as a finished project.
Once you have finished it, come to a complete stop, and let the thing entirely go out of your hands. That was it. It will fly or not fly. Shake yourself all over and completely relax. Lie down if you want. Go into relaxation and celebration mode. Tell others what you just accomplished. Let them celebrate with you.
This is how to use Do It Power as part of your Agency: tension, relaxation, tension, relaxation, etc. It does not work to stay tense all the time, or to relax all the time.
After accomplishing what you focused your Do It Power on, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please describe what you used your Do It Power on to finish. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.11
You will not get things right the first time. If you insist that you must get it right the first time, this is a strategy for Gremlin Self Cannibalism, Gremlin Violence, or simply Dramaholism. Go handle that neurotic Survival Strategy, and then come back to reality. You will not get things right the first time. Perhaps not even the second time, or third time.
Multiple iterations let you hone in on a desired outcome like a sailing ship tacking left and right towards an island while sailing up into the wind. The sailing ship is almost never facing directly at its goal.
In your Teams and while Relating, you can Negotiate a Context so that Do Overs are allowed.
This Experiment is to expand the conscious use of Do Overs in your daily life and relating. It goes like this. Each day for the next 7 days, ask for 3 Do Overs. Instead of saying, "Oops!" or, "Sorry!" or, "I changed my mind," say, "I would like to make a Do Over."
Then make your Do Over. Shift and Go! Pay extra special Attention. Try the new behavior with greater awareness, more focus, deeper Connection, less obstructed Listening.
Notice how negotiating for the Do Over includes gentleness on yourself. You are not beating yourself up. You are merely trying again. Your Do Overs simultaneously invite others to ask for Do Overs with you, and with each other - even when you are not there. By demonstrating a Do Over you are showing how it is possible to upgrade thoughtware in realtime. Your Agency helps build Agency in others.
After your 7 days of doing 3 Do Overs each day, please register Matrix Code PERSOFAG.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please describe one of your more important Do Overs. This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.12
Somewhere around twice a week it is necessary for a Possibilitator to unleash Dragon Speaking as a Person Of Agency. If you are not Dragon Speaking approximately twice per week, your Dragon is suffering from a lack of exercise.
This Experiment is to keep track in the back of your Beep! Book for a month (4 weeks) how many times you do Dragon Speaking, and about what. Title a page MY DRAGON SPEAKS.
These are not the times that you get aggressive, or express your anger loudly to threaten others, or to try to force your opinion in a group. Dragon Speaking is when you Take A Stand and - with the people at your back - pave the way out into new gamespace so that others can more easily benefit. You are blowing down walls that have been keeping others incapacitated, burning away Self Deceptions, vaporizing Confusion fog, confronting Lying at its source, holding a huge mirror up to unconscious Gremlin behavior, brandishing your Sword Of Clarity and making it clear that something not previously embraced is now Possible. This is what Dragon Speaking is for.
When you look around for a Hero to make the way clear and no Hero comes into view, the Hero is you. If you see the job, it's your job. No doubt about it. If you don't say it, it won't be said. It's Dragon time!
After one month of at least twice-a-week Dragon Speaking, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write down briefly what your Dragon wants to say right now. This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.13
So much Agency seems to be an expression of visible pressure. You do things, change things, create things, make things, redirect things, reorganize things, plan things, provide instructions, give feedback and coaching, etc. However, Pressure Agency has only certain uses, and becomes less than useless in other circumstances. This is why it is so important to learn to be able to cause Vacuum Agency.
Vacuum Agency works through Vacuum Learning. You can apply Vacuum Agency through removing all resistance, becoming a super-conductor, listening archetypally by representing the whole of the Universe, requesting that the Void stand present where you once were, representing the Unknown, calling in the great Mystery to Witness what is happening or not happening or what could happen, being a massive unasked Question, replacing your personal Presence with the Absolute and offering Connection, and so on. Each of these forms of Vacuum Agency makes defensiveness worthless. You are offering to Radically Be With without bringing Something along with you. This has incredible Transformational Agency, because how can you resist resistanceless Presence? You cannot.
This Experiment is to use the next 4 weeks as a Vacuum Learning laboratory, ongoingly applying your Authentic Curiosity about what is actually going on for the people around you, and going down the 3 floors in your elevator until you can hear what is really happening in them. Refuse to apply pressure in this time, and discover how much Agency there is in really wanting to get it, really wanting to hear, really wanting to connect in with what is there, not analyzing, not understanding, not figuring it out, only receiving. Make notes in your Beep! Book about what you cause with Vacuum Agency. Write the Laws Of Vacuum Agency, how it works, how to do it.
After 4 weeks of gaining absurdly effective Vacuum Agency skills please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please describe one of your greatest discoveries. This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.14
It is so easy to Assume that the Agency you apply must be YOUR Agency. But it does not. The Agency you apply can come from other sources. In this Experiment, the Agency you apply will be the Agency of the Unknown.
To apply this Agency, practice Speaking From The Unknown until you gain an ability to say things ongoingly that you cannot predict, that you have not rehearsed, that you have never heard before, and that you do not already know about.
Then, for the next four weeks, at least one time per day, call forth the Agency of the Unknown before you know what you are going to say or do. In other words, do not predict or plan when or when not you will use the Unknown as Agency. Simply carry it around with you as an unnamed Resource or Tool that can jump into play at any time it decides, much as Dr. Strange's 'Cloak Of Levitation' decides when and how it delivers its Agency.
Please make anecdotes in your Beep! Book to track your Experiment as it progresses. Write down how the Agency of the Unknown is different from your own various other kinds of Agency, how it does its work, how to make use of it with even greater effectiveness. Use your notes and first-hand experiences to write a short exposé article about how to apply the Agency of the Unknown as a Possibility Coach, Gameworld Consultant, Spaceholder for EHPs, or Trainer. Publish your article online.
After the 4 weeks of experimenting with the Agency of the Unknown, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please give the link to your article online. This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PERSOFAG.15
Human beings have an immense capacity to Scan. Since you inhabit 5 Bodies, your can Scan for whatever you are Scanning with. As you develop your various forms of Agency, you automatically diversify what you can Scan for. In this Experiment, you are challenged to Scan for Agency.
Either alone, or better, with a fellow Possibilitator, locate yourself in a café along a shopping zone to Scan whoever crosses your path. When someone comes by, take turns saying out loud what you Notice as you Scan for the person's Agency. Do this Scanning for Agency practice once each week for 4 weeks.
WARNING: Be aware that you may be shocked by what you perceive while Scanning for Agency in strangers. Since you are Scanning with your own 5 Bodies into the 5 Bodies of the other, you open yourself to also Scanning in 3 Worlds. People have much unconscious Agency in the Upperworlds, Middleworlds, and Underworlds. Do not be too surprised if the Agency you uncover, even in a seemingly innocuous-looking middle-aged woman, is an Agency for Evil. You are not trying to find answers to the question: "What Evil is Possible for that person?" but you may uncover it anyway. To avoid these surprises, Scan for Healing Agency, Transformational Agency, Awareness Agency, Perception Agency, Initiation Agency, etc.
Please make notes in your Beep! Book about the kinds of Agency you discover as you improve your ability to Scan for Agency. When you both agree that you have Scanned a person who has Agency in an area that would be useful for you to learn about on your Path (for example, you Scan that they have Agency as a Script Writer, as a Memetic Engineer, or as an Improvisational Possibility Coach), then immediately jump up and make contact with the person. Tell them that you were practicing your Scanning for Agency and you discovered something interesting. Would they be willing to meet with you now for a short interview, or to set an appointment for later.
After practicing your Scanning for Agency for 4 weeks, please enter Matrix Code PERSOFAG.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. In the Proof section, please write the name of any interesting persons you made contact with as a result of the Agency you Scanned in them. This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PERSOFAG.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!